Types of injuries we treat
Athletic Therapy Treatments
We treat all types of musculoskeletal and orthopaedic injuries, addressing injuries from the weekend warrior to the elite athlete. Don’t worry, we treat everyone, and you don’t have to have a sports injury to visit the clinic.
We work on injuries, including WSIB (workman’s compensation) and MVA (motor vehicle accident) patients, and all people, from the very young to our most senior citizens.
A few of the treatments we specialize in:
Tempomandibular Joint Syndrome | Thoracic Vertebrae Number 1 | Patellar Dislocation |
Head Aches | Fractured Wrist | Lateral Patellar Tracking |
Black Eye | Colles Fracture | Popliteus Strain |
Sore Jaw | Boxers fracture | Soleus Strain |
Torticollis | Bennetes (Skiers) Thumb | Post Operative Knee Rehab |
Neck Strain | Swan Neck Deformity | Achillies Muscle Strain |
Neck Flexion Strain | Hammer Fingers | Tibialis Anterior Strain |
Burner | Finger MCL-LCL Strain | Peroneus Longus Strain |
Trapezius Strain | Scaphoid Fracture | Peroneus Brevis Strain |
Sternocleidomastoid Strain | Humerus Fracture | Peroneus Tertius Strain |
Cauliflower Ear | Fractured Ulna | Tibialis Posterior Strain |
Whip Lash | Fractured Radius | Anterior Compartment Syndrome |
Deltoid Muscle Strain | Supinator Strain | Fractured Tibia |
1st, 2nd & 3rd Degree Separated Shoulder | Pronator Teres Strain | Fracture Fibula |
1st, 2nd & 3rd Degree Dislocated Shoulder | Fractured Clavicle | Patellar Tendonitis |
Rotator Cuff Strain | Fractured Ribs | Patellar Femoral Syndrome |
Supraspinatus Strain | Cracked Ribs | Ossgoode Schlatters Disease |
Infraspinatus Strain | Rectus Abdominal Strain | Larson Johanson Disease |
Subscapularis Strain | Transverse Abdominus Strain | Severs Disease |
Teres Minor Strain | Internal Oblique Strain | Ankle Sprain |
Rhomboidius Strain | External Oblique Strain | Anterior Tibiofibular Ligament Sprain |
Pain Full Arc | Low Back Muscle Strain | Sore Heel |
Bursitis | Disc Protrusion | Plantar Fascitis |
Impingement Syndrome | Sciatica | Painful Arch |
Pectoralis Major Strain | Piriformis Strain | Hammer Toes |
Pectoralis Minor Strain | Thoracic Muscle Strain | Foot Pronation |
Levator Scap Strain | Abdominal Hernia | Foot Supination |
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome | Facet Syndrome | Turf Toe |
Neck Nerve Impingement | Erector Muscle Strain | Black Toenails |
Labral Tear | Latisimus Strain | Runners Toes |
Long Head Biceps Strain | Hip Flexor Strain | Sesamoiditis |
Short Head Biceps Strain | Gluteal Strain | Mortons Neuroma |
Triceps Strain | Psoas Strain | Jones Fracture - Fracture of the 5th metatarsal |
Biceps Strain | Illiacus Strain | Pes Planus - Fallen arch |
Coracobrachalis Strain | Tensor Fascia Latta Strain | Blisters |
Brachioradials Strain | IllioTibial Band Strain | Corns |
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Sprain | Groin Strain | Pump Bumps |
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Sprain | Gracillis Strain | Heel Spur |
Medial Epicondilitis (Tennis Elbow) | Adductor Magnus Strain | Deltoid Ligament Sprain |
Lateral Epicondilits (Golfers Elbow) | Adductor Brevis Strain | Shin Splints - Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome |
Wrist Flexor Strain | Adductor Longus Strain | Frozen Shoulder |
Wrist Extensor Strain | Sartorius Strain | Jumpers Knee |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Quadricep Strain | Charlie Horse in Quadriceps |
Flexor Pollicus Longus Strain | Vastus Medialis Obliquis Strain | Myositis Ossificans |
Extensor Pollicus Longus Strain | Hamstring Strain | Concussions |
Adductor Pollicus Strain | Hip Pointer | Second Impact Syndrome |
Abductor Pollicus Strain | Gastroc Strain | Degenerative Disc Disease |
Flexor Digitorum Profundus Strain | Anterior Cruciate Ligament Sprain | Sprained Wrist |
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Strain | Medial Meniscus | Ganglia |
Extensor Digitorum Profundus Strain | Lateral Collateral Ligament Sprain | Plica |
Extensor Digitorum Superficials Strain | Posterior Cruciate Ligament Sprain | |
Metacarpal Phalangeal Joint | Metacarpal Phalangeal Joint | |
Proximal Inter Phanlageal Joint | Lateral Meniscus | |
Distal Inter Phanlangeal Joint | Illiotibial Band Friction Syndrome at Knee | |
Sublux or Reduced Finger | Hamstring Strain at Fibular Head | |
Cervical Vertebrae Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 | Chrondromalagia |