Athletic Therapy
The athletic therapist, Mr. Chris Bulley, has 20 years of experience in the sports medicine field and is ready to treat any and all of your sports injuries. Chris was the therapist with the Toronto Raptors and has worked in every sport imaginable, from hockey and football to dealing with runners and curlers or rugby and tennis stars. Chris specialises in deep tissue work; don’t be afraid; it is uncomfortable but highly effective!
The clinic’s registered physiotherapist specialises in manual therapy and retains a full skill set of rehabilitation techniques to address any and all of your aches and pains.
Massage Therapy
Our onsite registered massage therapist has great hands and can modify your massage to go as deep or relaxing as you like. On site Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon until 7 p.m., we can schedule your 1-hour appointment to make sure you get the most benefit out of the massage.
Deep Tissue Work
“Intense” and “effective” are the two words to describe deep tissue work. While this may not be the most comfortable therapy you have ever had, it will be the most rewarding, as the results are undeniable. We will spend 20–30 minutes of hands-on deep tissue manipulation to ensure that we get rid of all the adhesions that have been effectively blocking your recovery.
Shock Wave Therapy
This amazing modality is a non-surgical method for the treatment of soft tissue injuries (muscles, tendons, and ligaments), as well as being one of the only modalities to treat stress fractures in bones and joint pain. Contact the clinic for more information.
The ancient and oldest form of medicine, acupuncture, is used to treat everything from back pain to kidney disease or even the common cold. Acupuncture is offered as part of a treatment session or as a stand-alone therapy.